
Video conversion from MP4 to MOV is essential especially when you need to edit your videos. MOV format is simple and easy to use. Besides, you can create independent batches for editing purposes. Also, there is no need to rewrite your data once editing is completed since MOV maintains your original content in addition to the edited content.

It is very easy to convert MP4 to MOV if you know the right steps. Below is simple easy to follow 2 methods to convert MP4 to MOV. You only need to follow these 3 steps techniques and you have your video in MOV format.

Convert MP4 To MOV Using Wondershare UniConverter

Step 1. Upload Your MP4 Video

From your PC, Open the Wondershare Uniconverter software. On the left side of the screen, select the tab label ‘Video Converter’ if not yet selected. To the right side of the screen, you will see the ‘Add Files’ icon with a plus (+) sign and a description label ‘Add or Drag files here to start conversion’. Click the ‘Add Files’ icon to allow you to upload your video from whichever location you have saved the video on your PC.

To choose your output format like MOV, check the bottom of your screen towards the left side. You will see a tab label ‘Output Format’. Adjacent to the ‘Output Format’, you will see a drop-down icon ‘v’. Select the drop-down icon to choose ‘MOV’ format as your desired option if not yet selected.

Step 2. Convert Your Chosen Video To MOV Format

Check at the right towards the top for a tab labeled ‘High Speed Conversion’. Adjacent to the tab label click that select icon. It should turn green color to activate the ‘High Speed Conversion’. Then, at the lower bottom part of your screen, you will see the tab label ‘File Location’.

Adjacent to the ‘File Location’ is the drop-down icon ‘v’ to allow you choose the location you want your video to be saved. Once done click ‘Start All’ tab label at the bottom right corner, or click ‘Convert’ tab label at the top right side of the screen to initiate the conversion process.

Step 3. Get You Converted Video

The conversion process is automatic, you simply wait for your conversion to complete. At the top of your screen towards the center, you will see a tab label ‘Finished’. The number of the videos you uploaded that have completed conversion will be displayed adjacent to the ‘Finished’ tab. So, if you uploaded 1 video, you will see number 1 in a circle.

To open your new video, check on the right side of the screen towards the top for a tab label ‘Open’. Click the ‘Open’ to view your video. In the instance you want to share your new video format with other people, you will see the Share icon. The icon can be found adjacent to the name of your video. Click to share the video to YouTube or Vimeo.

Once you select your desired destination to share your video, a new pop-up window will appear slightly below the video names at the center. Enter your credentials for your YouTube or Vimeo account by selecting ‘Login’. The other sections are descriptions of your video that you can add and edit based on your intended audience. Be sure to select ‘Public’ in Privacy section is the video is to go public immediately. Click ‘Publish’ icon on the bot right side of the screen to publish your video.

Convert MP4 To MOV Using Wondershare Online UniConverter

Step 1. Uploading Your Video

Using your internet browser, go to the original ( website. A new window will appear. Next, you will see a button labeled ‘Choose Files’. Click the ‘Choose Files’ button and choose the video you want to convert. A new window helping you access your PC content will pop up. Choose the video you are to convert from the location you saved.

At the bottom of the screen, you will see the label ‘File name’ that will automatically take the name of the video you selected. At the left bottom section, you will see a tab label ‘Open’ and ‘Cancel’. Click ‘Open’ if you are sure that is the video to convert. Otherwise, if you wrongfully selected the video click ‘Cancel’ then start to upload again. Your video will be converted.

Step 2. Choose Your Video Formats

On your window, you will see label ‘Convert’ and ‘to’ with scroll menu list icon located adjacent to the label. Select the video or audio format of your original video you want to convert using the scroll menu list-icon adjacent to the ‘Convert’ label. Similarly, select the format you want your video to be after conversion by selecting your desired format using the scroll menu list adjacent to the ‘to’ icon.

Step 3. Convert Your Video File

Now your video is ready for conversion. Click the ‘Convert’ Button. Your video will be converted to your desired format.


Five Benefits Of Using Wondershare UniConverter

  1. It is a highly reliable software.
  2. Having been operational for over 10 years, the software is stable.
  3. It is fast.
  4. It easy to use.
  5. High-quality output can be realized within minimal time.

Additional Functions Of Wondershare UniConverter

  • Video conversion, editing, and compression.
  • Downloading of videos.
  • Video and audio recording.
  • Burning videos to Blu-ray discs, and DVD.


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