
Online reviews and search engine rankings are even more closely linked to the latest Google updates, and this is something that cannot be overlooked in marketing. International experts estimate that reviews can account for almost 10% of the criteria for how Google displays search results.

The importance of online reviews is undeniable in the world of eCommerce. However, because of Google’s algorithms, knowing exactly how they can be used by a business to influence a position is a more difficult task to accomplish.

Over time, various studies and strategic tips have emerged to include customer reviews in SEO optimization plans. Characteristics vary from company to company and from industry to industry. However, some common points can be applied in general.

Methods for Online Reviews

Develop a Strategy for Collecting Reviews

First of all, for reviews to add to the image of a company, they must exist on as many channels as possible.

Both Google and other search engines want to see that people choose a particular business and take the time to give an opinion on it. Unfortunately, a large proportion of consumers choose not to write a review on their own unless the experience has been negative. According to studies, over 30% of users will leave a negative review if they consider that the experience is not in line with their expectations.

Therefore, a brand must make an effort to collect reviews from as many customers as possible. The good news for companies is that it has been shown that 70% of people who buy Google reviews will leave a review if asked. You can buy fake Google reviews, which can boost your rating.

How to reach a large number of reviews? The company must build a plan to contact customers based on their experience and ask for their opinion, feedback. However, it must be developed carefully.


According to the policies stipulated when placing the order, the connection with the clients can be made respecting the norms of personal data protection. Through e-mail campaigns, SMS messages, or even telephone. In certain situations, together with the delivered product, it can be an informative material and attention that will guide the buyer towards a review. It is important that the reviews received are up to date.

Therefore, the request for a review should not be too late. Granting a day or two after delivery and sending the request in the first part of the day promises a higher response rate.


How a brand asks its customers to leave a review is essential. There is a need to develop a form to get real and detailed answers. However, complex questions that could discourage consumers from completing the review should be avoided.

It is recommended not to complicate things. A short form that requires an overview, pros, and cons is more than enough and will encourage developed answers.

Remember: A detailed and honest review is worth more than a number of stars in a rating system or a short, fast-paced sentence.


If customers do not respond to the review request, an incentive may be used. However, reminders should not be abused. A maximum of two are recommended and should be applied within a few days. (Example of incentive: Following the review, a 10% discount is offered on the next purchase or other incentives specific to each type of business).


The number of reviews plays a vital role in how search engines rank businesses in results. So, a company can’t just hope that people will leave reviews on their initiative. It needs to build a solid strategy to attract as many as possible.

Buy Google 5 star reviews from InstaFollowers. It will increase your ratings and confidence. This action is ideal for building a trusting relationship between a brand and its customers.


These days, responses to reviews are as important as collecting them. Some say they have even more value. It has been shown in multiple studies that most customers read both reviews and the company’s responses to them when looking for a new business.



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