
Well, Facebook has served as one of the leading connecting agents in the social media marketing industry since it came out. Earlier it was used to communicate with people, now it is being used to communicate with brands as well. 

With the onset of social media marketing and Facebook advertising, the whole platform revolutionized and took the world with a storm. Now with online businesses booming, there needs to be a guide on how to create Facebook ads posts that convert.

As a brand, there are only two important metrics, engagement, and conversions. And depending on the type of goal you’re trying to achieve, one of those two metrics becomes more important. 

Say, for example, you want to sell a product to your Facebook likes, then having high likes and comments is not going to be of much help as you wanted to sell a product and all that happened was your post got attention and vice versa.

But how do you exactly make posts that gather attention as well as make people take action? Well, that is what we’re here to discuss. We’re going to give you five hacks that have proven to convert and make people take action on your posts. 

Since Facebook’s algorithm is always changing and evolving in the favour of such marketing techniques, these tips are very crucial to know as they are going to be of huge help shortly. So without further ado, let’s begin with the tips.

Standout Visuals

Since Facebook is more of a visual platform, you need to make sure that the creatives you put up in your posts are eye-catchy. According to Facebook stats, it takes an average user about 2.5 seconds to decide which post to stick on, and hence having the right visual is necessary. There are a few ways to achieve this. First of all, keep in mind what the image size you’re uploading depending upon your target audience.

For example, if you’re targeting the audience that uses Facebook from their desktop then you might want to use a different size and if you’re trying to target the mobile audience then you should be making your creatives a different size. 

Second, keep in mind that it must be high quality, irrespective of the size you choose. 

Third, don’t use stock images or generic images available on the internet, rather hire a photographer and shoot it yourself. Lastly, toggle the contrast a bit high as it ensures that the people who have an eye at your post have their attention on it. 

Great Copy

A simple copy covers a long distance. The posts that convert the most are the ones that have a great copy to go by. The copy that you put up with the creatives must be descriptive of the product, without being too wordy. Writing an excellent copy is not everyone’s cup of tea and hence we highly recommend you hire a professional to do so. It should reveal the personality of your brand and it should most definitely not be the usual business jargon we’re all tired of hearing.

What tends to work the best is something either interactive or witty. The idea is to create a connection of the copy with the product in a way that is intelligent enough to make the reader check the product out. It will take some time to figure out how your audience is reacting to certain types of copies and hence you should always try to come up with better ones.

Call to Action

One of the most important aspects of a high converting Facebook post is a great call to action. If you cannot add a call to action that can make people decisive about what to do with your post, then forget about making sales. A call to action is an instruction that is usually placed after the copy to invite the audience to check your products out. 


One good way to check if the CTA that you entered is good enough or not is by reading your posts once. If you can’t decide what to do with it, nobody else can either. Some examples of a good call to action involve sign up, click check it out, and much more.

However, since these have become common now, don’t be afraid to add a bit of flavor to them by saying, limited pieces left or get your free trial now. Also, keep in mind a great rule to abide by is one CTA per post as more than one CTA leads to decision fatigue. Facebook ads guide at can help you to know each and everything about this.

Add Incentives

Well, if there’s no reason or benefit for the audience to click on the link you provide then there is no way they are going to do it. Incentives can range from a free trial to getting to know more about your product or anything of sorts that can intrigue the reader. For example, if you’re a travel agency then adding a cool destination to the itinerary can be a great hack. 

There are many such examples of great incentives to add for the viewer. A great incentive is a way to ensure that people will visit your website and buy your product and hence is a great way to make it big on Facebook.

Buy Facebook Likes

If you’re trying to sell anything on social media, the most important thing to have is social proof. Without social proof, there is no way you’re going to be able to sell much. Social proof means that other people approve of a certain product and hence more people coming to visit that particular product will be inclined to buy it. 

How can you achieve this? Pretty simple, by buying real Facebook likes. To buy Facebook likes, there are hundreds of websites available out there. However, all of those websites dont sell 100% genuine engagement, which may result in the deterioration of reach over time.

We recommend you buy Facebook likes from Viralyft, Getviral, or, as they are some of the best websites when it comes to buying engagement for any social media platform. Now when someone clicks on your Facebook handle and sees a considerable number of flowers, they will be inclined to test your products out.


The above given five tips to create a high converting Facebook post have been proven from time to time. They are really powerful ways to make sure that the people landing on your Facebook post do check your website out and at least try out a few products. If you haven’t used any one of these tips, then we highly recommend you use them. Till then, best of luck with your Facebook marketing!



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