
Sales may be an age-old profession; however, it’s in constant evolution. Technology is shaking up how and when companies interact with prospects. Customers are becoming more empowered.

As a result, new trends are popping up all the time. Sales training companies play a vital role in helping you stay ahead of the curve. They can equip you with the latest strategies, tactics, and approaches to be successful in today’s ever-changing sales landscape. Here are five trends to keep an eye on this year.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Harnessing the immense power of AI can do wonders for business. AHarvard Business Review study found that companies using AI for sales were able to increase their leads by more than 50%. Also, call times can drop by a whopping 60–70%.

AI can also simplify customer service. For example, chat-bots can provide 24/7 support and quick answers to customer queries. The technology is also a powerful tool for customer segmentation.

To optimize the growth potential of AI:

  • Leverage predictive analytics to uncover customer buying behavior patterns.
  • Tap into natural language processing (NLP) to build strong relationships.
  • Educate reps on how to interpret data quickly and accurately.

Social Selling

Social media has stirred up the selling landscape. Platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn are rich sources of customer data. For instance, you can dig up fresh leads and build customer loyalty.

LinkedIn reports that 78% of businesses using social selling outperform those that don’t. Sixty-six percent have greater quota attainment than those using traditional prospecting techniques.

To master social selling:

  • Develop a firm understanding of the social networks used by your customers.
  • Craft compelling content tailored to each platform.
  • Don’t just pitch your product or service. Focus on building authentic connections.

Data-driven Decision Making

Today’s customers have more choices. However, the distinction between products and services continues to blur. As a result, the decisions you make are key to carving out a competitive edge. Accurate and up-to-date data at your fingertips helps you make smarter decisions.

Relying on data does not negate gut-feeling decisions. Instead, it provides an extra layer of clarity. So, learning how to weave data into your decision-making can significantly improve outcomes.

To sharpen data-driven decision-making:

  • Grant reps access to the right data sets.
  • Provide training on sales data analytics.
  • Use multiple data sources to get a more rounded picture. However, try to create a connected story.
  • Encourage reps to balance using data and intuition.

Mobile Commerce

Customers increasingly expect to be able to connect with you anytime, anywhere. As a result, mobile tools are becoming the norm for accessing information and taking orders. A study by Comscore reveals that people in the US spend an average of 171 minutes daily on their mobile devices.

Building a robust mobile presence can help boost sales. Google found that customers who used mobile to research products were two times more likely to purchase.


To be ready for mobile commerce, sales training experts say companies can focus on the following:

  • Understanding mobile customer journeys.
  • Creating high-performing mobile landing pages.
  • Learn to write compelling mobile copy.

Digital Customer Experiences

Delivering exceptional customer experiences is a crucial cog in the sales wheel. In the digital age, its importance has been amplified. Research by Gartner shows that 89% of organizations compete primarily based on customer experience.

Customers now expect a seamless experience across multiple touchpoints and channels. The best customer experiences leave people feeling seen and heard as individuals, not just numbers. For companies, this means delivering personalized content and tailored offers.

To create impressive digital experiences:

  • Put yourself in your customer’s shoes.
  • Create smooth and seamless encounters across all channels and touchpoints.
  • Be prompt and proactive when responding to customer issues.
  • Ensure customer data is secure.

Sales Automation

As competition intensifies, automation has become a necessity. Freeing up reps from mundane tasks allows them to focus on activities that drive revenue. A study by McKinsey and Company found that companies using sales automation enjoy up to 30% more productivity.

To get the most out of automation:

  • Choose solutions tailored to your processes.
  • Integrate existing systems with new technology.
  • Don’t lose touch with the human element.
  • Analyze data to measure performance and improve processes.

These are a few trends grabbing the attention of sales teams today. Before jumping into any, remember to take a holistic approach. Business success isn’t born from one trend. It takes a balanced blend of new ideas, processes, and technologies.

Once you narrow down a promising trend, partner with top-tier sales training companies. Their expertise can help you master the skills that allow your team to take full advantage of all the opportunities available.



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