
Artificial intelligence has entered many fields of life: from education and medicine to art. Due to the development of deep learning technologies, one of which is neural networks, AI is able to perform tasks that before were considered possible only for humans. 

In this post, we are going to talk about how artificial intelligence helps people to create beautiful things and set up powerful creative experiments that can be considered art.

A Few Words About What Deep Learning Is

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning research that was inspired by the structure of a human brain. It is not necessary for a person to write a program that performs the task step by step. The machine tries to find the answer using a specific logic. For example, if we want the algorithm to detect faces, we have to show it ten thousand different faces, mark where exactly the face is, and then the program will learn to detect it on its own. More about how it works you can learn in this awesome deep learning guide.

Top Resources for Making DL Art

This website allows you to turn your photos and pictures into paintings. The algorithms behind imitate the style of great artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, Mone, and so on. All you need to do is upload your photo and choose the style that you like. Then, the digital paintings will be sent to your account in around 1-2 hours time. It is also possible to submit your own style and see what the result is going to be.

Neural networks can learn from example and generate awesome and a bit scary hallucinating paintings. Uploading a photo to the system and starting the algorithms, you can see something that researchers call “deep dreams”. The algorithms starts recursively exploring the same painting adding new associations on the run.

AI Duet

Have you always wanted to play a duet but have no pianists as friends? This is a wonderful experiment by Google. Anyone can try to have a piano duet with an AI-powered algorithm. You hit a few notes setting the rhythm and the computer will does its best to play a long.

Magenta Studio Plugins

If you like to experiment with the sounds, Magenta plugins are what you need. They allow you to play with different sound effects, interpolate, add different instruments such as drums or autotune your voice. Artificial intelligence will offer the best parameters for each individual case.

Screebling Speech

This is another resource by Google that recognizes human speech and creates sketches from the verbal description. Maybe it is not the most sophisticated draft in the world but it can inspire you to put on paper your own creative ideas.

Deep Angel 

If you like to take and edit photos you know how annoying it is to remove objects or people from them. Deep angel can free you from doing this messy work doing everything for you. Upload the photo to the website and let the algorithm to erase stuff that you don’t need. Deep angel can also be useful in recognizing deep fakes.

As you can see, deep learning can be used in different ways to help people create art. Take your time to experiment with these instruments. If you have your own favorite tools, mention them in the comments.



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